Jennifer Jennifer

Daily Routine

Molly takes you through her morning routine.

In energy medicine and quantum hypnosis, there's so much to explore, and in this blog, we'll cover lots of things, from session descriptions to typical client homework, to new technologies on the horizon. I'll also share techniques, mindfulness practices, and travel locations. You can expect posts once or twice a month. Today I'll go over a few things about the importance of beginning or enhancing a daily routine. The most important thing about a daily routine is to start small and commit to it wholeheartedly. It generally takes at least 21 days to create this stability in a new habit and some research says it is more like 40 days. Developing new habits also fires up new pathways in our brain and leaves us ready for expansion. As we stabilize into a new routine, we are showing responsibility to it and we then attract more to then also stabilize and expand into. It means something when we commit, so when I say start small, really be sure that you can commit to it. 

Although I've been doing energy work for years, I failed again and again following the Eden Energy Method's Daily Energy Routine. I'd go strongly for a bit, but inevitably forget or skip. What has worked for me is starting very small (and I'll tell you about my routine below) and not giving up on that small thing. From the tiniest change I have built a very strong foundation that keeps me stable even in very stressful life changes (new jobs, relationship changes, trauma, and more!). Depending on your personality, sensory type, and elemental type you will prefer more or less structure to your new routine, so you'll need to reflect and know yourself. 

Do you do better committing to a certain time and doing things exactly in the same way? Morning, Evening, or spread through the day? Days off scheduled or never skip a day? 

Do you like a checklist? A reminder on the mirror or fridge? Do you prefer to have a general commitment, a very specific regimen, or a mix of both? 

For me, I need much less structure than some-- for me a little goes a long way. I began my routine with a very simple promise: That every day, whenever I filled up my water bottle, I'd bless my water. I'd hold my water for just a quick moment and say "Thank you, I love you". And I also promised to do some type of healing work on myself, even just a quick technique, every day. Those were the only promises I made, but I often added in more - the really important piece is that you make a small commitment so you can be sure you can keep your commitment. This reinforces success and avoids bringing up old patterned stories of shame or failure. As you find success, by completing at least 21 days of your commitment, you can add more responsibility and commitment to your routine. Be clear about what you commit to, ensuring you phrase it just how you'd like it. My current routine is below-- if you aren't sure what a certain exercise is, reach out to me at and I'll tell you more! 

Molly's Daily Routine 

4 am - 6 am - wake slowly and hold 2 chakras (this varies, but is often 1 & 4 or 2 & 4)

5 am or so - begin more energy work-- typical work includes:

  • Hook Up (hold any points, often the navel and 3rd eye)

  • Open foot gates

  • Wayne Cook Posture

  • Crown Pull

  • Shoulder Cross-Over

  • Massage neuro-lymphatic points

  • 4 Thumps

6 am - By now I'm out of bed-- here I may add in stretching, a Cross Crawl, or other energy methods. Then I'm off to create a morning beverage of some sort and bless my water. 

Later in the day I do some form of exercise, and this varies a lot depending on how busy my day has been. It could be a full work out or just a few air squats or jumping jacks. 

So, this is what my morning daily routine often looks like, but all I have committed to is

  1. Blessing my water

  2. Doing energy work everyday

  3. Exercise

This is what works for me, to have flexibility and creativity to change things up or be responsive to how I feel each day. 

Let me know how your routine is going, how you might enhance it, or what questions you might have as you contemplate starting a daily routine! 


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